We are a church where neighbours are helping neighbours explore a relationship with Jesus.

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We are so glad you have chosen to check out Neighbours Church. We are an inter-cultural and multi-generational church whose mission is to get people like you and I to take one step closer to Jesus and our neighbours every day. We have an adult service and kids programming to create environments where the whole family can enjoy the experience, as well as a variety of other ministries.

SERIES: Difference Maker
wk1- Difference Maker -Jan 12- Encourager

We can feel overwhelmed by all the needs and problems in the world around us, it can be paralyzing to actually feel like we can do anything, let alone make a difference. But what if, we decided to do for one, what we cannot do for everyone ... and all of us did it together ... what kind of difference could we make? In week 1, we talk about being the encourager for someone else, that we all need in our lives to make a lasting difference in the world around us.