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SERIES: Transitions of Life - Navigating Life's Stages
July 21, 2024 - Transitions of Life-Navigating Life's Stages - wk1 Family Relationships

Through out life we face crossroads or transition points where life isn't going to be the same after 'this', whatever this is: leaving home, starting your first career, getting married, having kids, empty nesting, retiring, etc. These transition points are crucial in life to make the right choices, to navigate not just on nature and nurture, our genes and our upbringing, but to also consider the way of Jesus - the way of His Kingdom and what He would want for us in this next season of life. So how do we navigate life's stages in a way that honours God? This week, we are looking at our family relationships and transitions in those relationships.

We hope that you join us for our Sunday service. We are an inter-cultural and multi-generational church, whose mission is for you to take one step closer to Jesus, and others, every day. We have an adult service and kids programming to create environments where the whole family can enjoy the experience.

When you arrive on Sunday our team will greet you at the door, invite you to grab a beverage at the concessions stands, and join us in the theatre. In the theatre, there will be a time of song worship, a time of prayer (during the singing portion of the service you will be provided with an opportunity to have someone pray for you), we will share some events going on in our community, a message will be presented that is easily understood and relates to everyday life from the Bible, and finally there will be an open mic question and response time for you to ask any questions about the message you had.

Join Us on Sunday At 9:45AM For A Coffee
Our Service Starts At 10AM

Parking is available in front of the theatre at no cost.

Cineplex Odeon Barrhaven; Chapman Mill Marketplace 131 Riocan Ave Nepean, ON
(enter through Strandherd rd. as well)

Find our more about our weekend services

You may have some questions, we'll do our best to answer them!

What do in-person services look like?

When you arrive on Sundays our team will greet you at the door, invite you to grab a beverage at the concessions stands, and join us in the theatre. In the theatre, there will be a time of song worship, a time of prayer (during the singing portion of the service you will be invited forward for an optional time of prayer for you), we will share some events going on in our community, a message will be presented that is easily understood and relates to everyday life from the Bible, and finally their will be an open mic question and response time.

What about my kids?

At Neighbours Church our goal is help children thrive in life by discovering a relationship with Jesus, modeling His teachings, and making Him known to others. So, we have two great kids programs for nursery and school-aged kids in theatre #2. Kids love going to church in a movie theatre with big sound and video for worship and teaching, and an area to play games and do crafts. Parents are thankful that all of our staff and volunteers love kids and have been screened, gone through our ‘Plan to Protect’ training protocols, and for those 16 years of age and older had a criminal record check done, before working with your kids.

When should we arrive?

Doors open 30 minutes prior to each service and coffee is available, but feel free to show up at 9:45am to sign in kids, get a coffee, and find your seat.

A prayer time will start 15 minutes before the service in the sanctuary if you want to be a part of pre-service prayer.

Will there be an opportunity to be prayed for?

Yes, during the song worship portion of our service we would be delighted to take a moment to pray for any needs you have or to pray with you for someone you know. You can simply come forward during the specified time that you are invited to do so in the service, and one of our prayer ushers* would be glad to pray with you.

If you are not comfortable coming forward for prayer in the service, that’s not problem connect with our prayer team here:

What should I wear?

People at Neighbours Church dress in all kinds of ways that they feel comfortable.

We want you to feel like you can come as you are. We meet in a movie theatre, so feel free to dress like you would if you were going to the movies.

During the holiday services like Christmas or Easter people sometimes dress up a little bit more than a regular Sunday, but you are always welcome to come as you are.

How is communion handled at the church?

Here are some frequently asked questions about communion at the church.

What is communion?

At Neighbours Church we believe that communion is a symbolic act of remembrance in the body of Christ where Christians declare their belief that Jesus died for our sins, and rose from the dead to give us new life. By taking the cup (of grape juice) we remember that His blood was shed for the forgiveness of our sins, to make us right with God, and by taking the bread/wafer, we remember that His resurrection liberates us from the power of sin. It is a symbolic act that has been done in churches since the time of Christ, as a powerful declaration of our faith in Jesus.

Who can participate?

We practice an open table at Neighbours Church, which means that anyone who believes that Jesus Christ died for their sins and rose from the dead, and has chosen to make Him Lord of their lives can participate in communion at our church regardless of their background. If you have not yet made a choice to be a Christian, we ask that you participate in this portion of the service as a time of reflection, but do not feel any pressure to participate in our declaration of belief by taking communion.

What health protocols are in place for handling of communion?

At Neighbours Church, we will follow all public health measures to ensure that communion can be done safely. This includes not drinking from the same cup and ensuring individual portions can be collected.

How is money collected at the church?

Here are some frequently asked questions about giving at Neighbours Church.


To give online, click the button to go to our church landing page where you will be able to set up a monthly direct deposit or give a one-time donation.

Church Offering

You can put cash in a church envelope, fill it out to get a tax receipt, and place it in the offering. Or if you would prefer to donate by cheque, please write the cheque payale to "ACOP of Canada" and add a note "Project 251 Neighbours Church" and place it in the offering

If you are not coming in person but would like to give this way, mail your cheque to the following address:

ACOP of Canada
#119, 2340 Pegasus Way NE
Calgary, AB
T2E 8M5