Are you longing for community like the rest of us? A place to be known, and really know others? A place where you can build authentic, life-changing relationships? Our hope for small groups at Neighbours Church is for everyone to find a place of community, where they can take one step closer to Jesus and others each week.
We grow in our faith journey in these groups by reading the Bible together, asking questions, sharing our thoughts, and asking God in prayer to transform us into His likeness.
We grow in our relationship with others by: praying for one another, taking time to listen, getting to know each other over time, and helping one another when it is appropriate to do so both inside and outside of group times.
If you want to get involved in a group at Neighbours Church, email Pastor Chris Stevens and he would be happy to help you connect with a group that works for you.
Email Pastor Chris StevensThe Holy Spirit is the often forgotten and mysterious member of the trinity. This group is trying to take away some of the mystery and allow the Holy Spirit to be more accessible for everyone. Each week, the group goes through material written by our lead pastor to help you lead your life empowered by the Holy Spirit. You will have a story to read, a bible passage to explore, and a time to share what you are learning.
Who: anyone
What: an overview of scripture related to the Holy Spirit
When: Thursday nights at 7pm(going on right now)
Where: Pastor Chris’ home
This is our longest standing group, with incredible hospitality, and a collaborative learning environment where everyone is learning from each other. This group often appeals to people living out in the east end of Ottawa who wants to be part of a group that gives everyone a chance to lead the group and teach.
Who: People living in the east end of Ottawa
What: Various topics
When: 7pm 3 out of 4 Thursdays a month (going on right now)
Where: Bonnie and Blair Stevens
An in-depth Christ-centred 12 Step Recovery Program. Are you ready to embark on a journey of real and lasting change? Ask yourself whether you or someone you are in a close relationship with may: do too much, owe too much, work too much, exercise too much, spend too much, lust too much or too often, sleep too much, fantasize too much/often, grieve too long, gamble too much, use illicit drugs too often, feel used too often, act compulsively too often, become sad too often, lose control too often, become jealous too often, get manipulated too often, be too early too often, feel guilty too often, feel hopeless, feel trapped too often, feel unloved too often, feel like a failure too often, eat too much, worry too much, give to others too much, drink too much, care too much, smoke too much, rush too much, obsess too much, diet too much/often, seek excitement too often, yell or scream too often, get angry too often, act sexually inappropriately, be greedy too often, feel overwhelmed, feel envious too often, be anxious or afraid, be late too often, feel resentful too often, feel lonely too often, feel unlovable, feel worthless too often, feel unattractive, feel unforgivable too often, or play video games too much? If the answer is yes to any of the above, this program is designed with you or your loved one in mind.
Who: people seeking to get freedom from addictions
What: Recovery Program – Addiction & Codependency
When: talk with hosts (happening right now)
Where: Riverside South & Zoom
DM us for more information.
Did you know Jesus was a refugee? He was born into a world of chaos and after receiving the gifts from the wisemen, He and His family were able to escape Bethlehem as refugees to Egypt. In fact, Jesus not only experienced it, but continuously expressed His heart through the writers of scripture for refugee’s. Deuteronomy 10:18 says “He defends the cause of the fatherless and the widow, and loves the foreigner residing among you, giving them food and clothing.” In response to this truth, we at Neighbours Church encourage all of our people to get to know refugees in our community and to prepare and share a meal with them.
Who: Anyone from our church community
What: Prepare a meal with a group of refugees and eat it with them – sharing story
When: be part of our once a month rotation
Where: Matthew House
Contact: Roger Linton
James 1:27 says “pure and undefiled religion before God our Father is taking care of widows and orphans in their distress ...” At neighbours church we want to be part of the solution for widows in our community who never have someone visit them in the Revera seniors home. Join our growing team of Christian volunteers, praying and meeting with local seniors who never get a visit in a calendar year.
Who: Anyone who is willing to go through the screening process which includes a vulnerable sector police check
What: meeting with seniors: talking and praying
When: once a month at your convivence
Where: Revera Seniors Home in Barrhaven
Contact: Scott Simpson
The Alpha Marriage Course is a practical seven-session course designed to support couples looking for practical support to strengthen their relationship. This is not marriage counselling, but it will help give you tools to create and enhance any relationship. We suggest taking a course like this every couple of years if you are married, to work on your relationship, it's like taking your car in for a tune up, only it's working on something far more important.
DM or email us for the next start time.
John Baker, author of Celebrate Recovery, has come out with 8 steps to help people with difficult relationship in the past: parents, marriage, frienships.
The 8 ‘chapters’:
1. Admitting Need - The Reality Choice
2. Getting Help - The Hope Choice
3. Letting Go - The Commitment Choice
4. Coming Clean - The House Cleaning
5.. Making Changes - The Transformation
6. Repairing Relationships - The Relationship Choice
7. Maintaining Momentum - The Growth Choice
8. Recycling Parian - The Sharing Choice
Who: anyone wanting freedom from hurts, habits, and hang-ups caused by past relationships
What: 8 week group based on the book life’s healing choices
When: Monday 7pm starting September 18th
Where: Cathie Jeffrey’s home on River Rd.
Alpha is an 11-week course that creates a space, online or in person, where people are excited to bring their friends for a conversation about life, faith and Jesus.
Alpha is a way to inspire and equip churches to create a space where people from any background can encounter Jesus. The same Alpha content is run all over the world, by Christians of all traditions, and provides a common expression of faith.
Over 1 million people in Canada have experienced Alpha, and millions more have taken Alpha in over 100 countries and over 100 languages around the globe.
When: Scheduled to begin September 2024
A few times a year we run events that help women connect with their neighbours in the community and the church. It might be a golf outing, a BBQ at someone’s house, helping to furnish a refugee’s home, or some other event we think women will enjoy together.
On a spiritual note, each year a group of women from our church go away on a weekend together to inspire their faith, enrich their lives, and get them connected with Jesus. The weekends have had a tremendous impact on the lives of many women at the church.
Check our Events page for where the women are going this year.
A few times a year we run events that help men connect with their neighbours in the community and the church. It might be a golf outing, a BBQ at someone’s house, helping to furnish a refugee’s home, or some other event we think men will enjoy together.
Each year a group of men from our church go away on a weekend together to inspire their faith, enrich their lives, and get them connected with Jesus. Band of Brother’s Canada is a ministry run by lay leaders, men who have given themselves to walk together in life and in mission to facilitate the breath of God breathing on the dry bones of men’s lives so that they come alive and stand up together as a vast army for good. The weekends have had a tremendous impact on the lives of many men at the church.
Each year at Neighbours Church we take part in the band of brothers boot camps, watch out for when our next one is. In the meantime, you can learn more about band of brothers boot camps by visiting their website: