Thanks for considering giving to Neighbours Church.

As we begin to get started there are all kinds of costs in the start up of a church that you can help with if you're interested. Our fellowship of Churches across Canada is called the ACOP, and they have made it really easy for people to give to the church plant. On our Church Planting Project page you will be able to set up a monthly direct deposit or give a one-time donation.

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What happens when
I give to Neighbours Church?

When you give to Neighbours Church mission project of the ACOP, you are giving to make our vision for a multi-ethnic, multi-generational church in the south end of Ottawa possible. A church where neighbours are helping neighbours explore a relationship with Jesus. And where neighbours are taking one step closer to Jesus and others every day. All that our site describes when it comes to our vision, values, discipleship end goals, and beliefs are a part of what is shaping the community you are giving to, and every gift makes a difference in the lives of people.

Giving to a Registered Charity

As a registered charity, the ACOP will provide you with a tax receipt for your giving to Neighbours Church Mission Project. In a really practical sense, every dollar that’s given is stewarded with care and through a percentage spending plan. At Neighbours Church we choose to partner with many great organizations that we believe are doing important Kingdom work, and so the first 10% of what comes in goes out to those organizations we partner with in varying amounts. We also know that our primary resource is the presence of God alive and well in people doing ministry and so about 50% of all that comes in goes towards serving the needs of the community through staff. The next 25% is rent, a necessary cost in order to put on live services and experience God’s presence together. The last 15% goes towards our ministries, programs, events, and administrations costs to make all that we do possible. We appreciate your generosity in giving to support Neighbours Church.

Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.